The MAX6889/MAX6890/MAX6891 EEPROM-configurable,multivoltage supply sequencers/supervisorsmonitor several voltage detector inputs and generalpurposelogic inputs and feature programmable outputsfor highly configurable power-supply sequencingapplications. The MAX6889 features eight voltagedetector inputs and ten programmable outputs. TheMAX6890 features six voltage detector inputs and eightprogrammable outputs, while the MAX6891 featuresfour voltage detector inputs and five programmableoutputs. Manual reset and margin disable inputs offeradditional flexibility.All voltage detectors offer a configurable threshold forundervoltage detection. High-voltage input IN1 monitorsvoltages from 2.5V to 13.2V in 50mV increments, or from1.25V to 7.625V in 25mV increments. Inputs IN2–IN7monitor voltages from 1V to 5.5V in 20mV increments orfrom 0.5V to 3.05V in 10mV increments. High-voltageinput IN8 monitors voltages from 2.5V to 15.25V in 50mVincrements, or from 1.25V to 7.625V in 25mV increments.Programmable output stages control power-supplysequencing or system resets/interrupts. Programmableoutput options include: active-high, active-low, opendrain, and weak pullup. Programmable timing delayblocks configure each output to wait between 25μs and1600ms before deasserting.The MAX6889/MAX6890/MAX6891 feature a watchdogtimer for added flexibility. Program the watchdog timerto assert one or more programmable outputs. The initialand normal watchdog timeout periods are independentlyprogrammable from 6.25ms to 102.4s.An SMBus™/I2C-compatible, 2-wire serial data interfaceprograms and communicates with the configurationEEPROM, the configuration registers, and theinternal 512-bit user EEPROM.The MAX6889/MAX6890/MAX6891 are available in5mm x 5mm x 0.8mm thin QFN packages and arespecified to operate over the extended temperaturerange (-40°C to +85°C).ApplicationsTelecommunication/Central Office SystemsNetworking SystemsServers/WorkstationsBase StationsStorage EquipmentMulti-Microprocessor/Voltage Systems
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