The UC1710 family of FET drivers is made with a high-speed Schottky process to interface between low-level control functions and very high-power switching devices-particularly power MOSFET\x92s. These devices accept low-current digital inputs to activate a high-current, totem pole output which can source or sink a minimum of 6A. Supply voltages for both VIN and VC can independently range from 4.7V to 18V. These devices also feature under-voltage lockout with hysteresis. The UC1710 is packaged in an 8-pin hermetically sealed dual in-line package for \x9655°C to +125°C operation. The UC2710 and UC3710 are specified for a temperature range of \x9640°C to +85°C and 0°C to +70°C respectively and are available in either an 8-pin plastic dual in-line or a 5-pin, TO-220 package.