提出了一个欠采样中频收发器的体系结构,它在中频数字化以前先通过欠采样将中频频率变到一个较低的频率。该结构在ADC 之前不需要镜像抑制滤波器且只有一条模拟路径,通过在数字域产生I/Q 路径避免了IQ 失配,由于采用了独特的频率分配方案而简化了频率合成器的设计。而且,本文为收发器设计了一个数字下变频器,它成本低且易于集成。关键词:无线局域网;收发器;欠采样;数字下变频Abstract: A receiver architecture is presented that utilizes the subsampling concept todown-convert the IF signal to a lower IF before been digitized. The receiver does not need ananti-aliasing filter before the ADC, and only uses a single path until the ADC and generates the I and Q paths in digital domain to avoid I-Q analog mismatches. This architecture utilizes a unique frequency plan which simplify the design of the frequency synthesizer. Furthermore, a low cost digital down converter(DDC) was introduced, which is fit for the SOC design of the transceiver.Key words: WLAN; transceiver; subsampling; digital down converter