Shielding_and_DecouplingLocalized ShieldingPage-1Shielding and EMI for Wireless CircuitsBy Allen Podell VP of Technology, Besser Associates With much material from Anatoli TsaliovichCopyright 1999 A. Tsaliovich Courtesy of the authorLocalized ShieldingPage-2IntroductionEMI and unwanted coupling between components or systems is being addressed by improved grounding, balanced lines, wideband decoupling chokes, and local shielding. The characteristics of local shielding are addressed in this talk, along with some other techniques for EMI mitigation, such as balanced lines, single point grounding, slotted ground planes, ferrite beads, and multiple bypassing. EM simulation is an invaluable tool when assessing the effectiveness of these techniques. Moreover, the improved speed of simulation has led to ……