The UC1706 family of output drivers are made with a high-speedSchottky process to interface between low-level control functions andhigh-power switching devices - particularly power MOSFET's. These devicesimplement three generalized functions as outlined below.First: They accept a single-ended, low-current digital input of either polarityand process it to activate a pair of high-current, totem pole outputswhich can source or sink up to 1.5A each.Second: They provide an optional single-ended to push-pull conversionthrough the use of an internal flip-flop driven by double-pulsesuppressionlogic. With the flip-flop disabled, the outputs work in parallelfor 3.0A capability.Third: Protection functions are also included for pulse-by-pulse currentlimiting, automatic deadband control, and thermal shutdown.These devices are available in a two-watt plastic “bat-wing” DIP for operationover a 0°C to 70°C temperature range and, with reduced power,in a hermetically sealed cerdip for -55°C to +125°C operation. Also availablein surface mount Q and L packages.