The ADuC832 is a complete smart transducer front end, integratinga high performance self-calibrating multichannel 12-bit ADC,dual 12-bit DACs, and programmable 8-bit MCU on a single chip.The device operates from a 32 kHz crystal with an on-chip PLLgenerating a high frequency clock of 16.77 MHz. This clock is, inturn, routed through a programmable clock divider from whichthe MCU core clock operating frequency is generated. The microcontrollercore is an 8052 and therefore 8051 instruction setcompatible with 12 core clock periods per machine cycle. 62 kBytesof nonvolatile Flash/EE program memory are provided on-chip.4 kBytes of nonvolatile Flash/EE data memory, 256 bytes RAM,and 2 kBytes of extended RAM are also integrated on-chip.The ADuC832 also incorporates additional analog functionalitywith two 12-bit DACs, power supply monitor, and a band gapreference. On-chip digital peripherals include two 16-bit -DACs, dual output 16-bit PWM, watchdog timer, time intervalcounter, three timers/counters, Timer 3 for baud rate generation,and serial I/O ports (SPI, I2C, and UART)