针对水印技术中的难题——数字图像水印的不可见性和鲁棒性之间的矛盾,提出了一种基于时间戳认证的零水印方案,及其具体的DCT 域内的零水印算法,进行了仿真实验测试,结果表明该方案对有损压缩、加噪、缩放、剪切等图像操作和攻击具有很强的鲁棒性,同时还具有真正意义上的不可见性和很高的安全性。关键词: 时间戳,版权保护,DCT 域,零水印Abstract:In order to solve the contradiction between invisibility and robustness This paper has proposed a zero-watermark scheme based on time stamp authentication. The experiment ispracticed in DCT and the results show that it has high security and robust to the operations of compression with loss, adding noise, resizing and cutting and so on, besides that, which is real imperceptible and high security.Keyword: Time stamp,copyright protection,DCT,zero-watermark