插入式涡街流量计比对方法探讨Investigation on a Method of Intercomparison of Insertion Vortex Flowmeter二岛 ‘ 蕊(中石化金陵分公司计童站,南京210033)摘要简单介绍了插入式涡街流量计的构成及点流速计型的插人式涡街流量计的标定方法。简要分析了用水泵流量比对,便携式超流量计比对方法的缺点,提出了插人式涡街流量计的标定修正比对的快速查表法,实例证明该方法是有效可行的。关键词插人式涡街流量计比对标定修正比对法AbAmet Theco mposiitono fin seritonV ortexf om neteran dth em ethodo fca libraitono fp ointflo wv elocityty pein sertionv ortexfk nvmeter, intorducedinbrief.Th ed isadvantageso fin temarnperisoms场usingof wa terpu mpfl owo rpo rtableu lhasonicfl owmeterar ean alyzed.Th efa stsp eedta blelo okingu pm ethodfor intetmmperison of calibration and corection of insertion flowmeter is proposed. The practical example shows that this method is efective and feasible.Keywords Insertion Vortexfl owmeter Intemomparison Intercorripansonm ethodo fca libraitona ndc orection