Infotainment applications continue to expand in vehicle cabins.Rear seat entertainment requires high-quality video and audiofor best enjoyment during long trips. Utilizing National’s LVDSproducts for the best video can now be combined with National’saudio Boomer® amplifi er subsystems to deliver the best audioover the same LVDS lines, thus minimizing cables, weight, andimproving ease of design.Systems• Rear seat entertainmentApplications• I²S DAC subsystems• Stereo HP output• I2S/PMC bridge for easy Bluetooth communicationFeatures• Flexible mixed signal subsystem with digital and analog inputs• PCM - I2S bridge– Bidirectional I2S compatible audio interface– Bidirectional PCM compatible audio interface– Allows audio bridge to Bluetooth IC• Easy system control in most applications(read/write I2C or SPI compatible control interface)