HDMI transmitter up to 150 MHz pixel rate with 3 ´ 8-bit video inputs and 4 ´ I2S-bus with S/PDIFThe TDA9981B is an HDMI transmitter (which also supports DVI) that enables a 3 ´ 8-bitRGB or YCbCr video stream (with a pixel rate up to 150 MHz for the TDA9981BHL/15version), up to 4 I2S-bus audio streams (with an audio sampling rate up to 192 kHz) andthe additional information required by all the HDMI 1.2a standards.In order to be compatible with most applications, the TDA9981B integrates a fullprogrammable input formatter and color space conversion block. The video input formatsaccepted are YCbCr 4 : 4 : 4 (up to 3 ´ 8-bit), YCbCr 4 : 2 : 2 semi-planar (up to2 ´ 12-bit), YCbCr 4 : 2 : 2 compliant with ITU656 and ITU656-like (up to 1 ´ 12-bit).For ITU656-like formats, double edges are supported so that data can be sampled onrising and falling edges.The device can be controlled via an I2C-bus interface.