分析了TFRC拥塞控制机制的基本工作流程,通过建立基于丢失事件率p (Loss Event Rate)、往返时间RTT(Round Trip Time)以及发送分组长度S的TFRC (TCP-friendly rate control)网络吞吐量数学模型,实现了多媒体实时传输应用中的TFRC拥塞控制机制。关键词:实时传输;TFRC;拥塞控制;丢失事件率;多媒体;TCPAbstract: The basic working processing of TFRC congestion control mechanism is analyzed in this paper. Depending on building math model of TFRC network throughput based on Loss Event Rate p, RTT(Round Trip Time), and sending packet length S, TFRC congestion control mechanism of multi-media real-time transmission is realized.Keywords: Real-time transport; TCP-friendly Rate Control; Congestion Control; Loss Event Rate;Multimedia; Transport Control Protoco1