n OUTPUT CURRENT UP TO 100 mAn OUTPUT VOLTAGES OF 3.3; 5; 6; 8; 9; 10;12; 15; 18; 20; 24Vn THERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTIONn SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTIONn NO EXTERNAL COMPONENTS AREREQUIREDn AVAILABLE IN EITHER ±5% (AC) OR ±10%(C) SELECTIONDEs criptIONThe L78L00 series of three-terminal positiveregulators employ internal current limiting andthermal shutdown, making them essentiallyindestructible. If adequate heat-sink is provided,they can deliver up to 100 mA output current. Theyare intended as fixed voltage regulators in a widerange of applications including local or on-cardregulation for elimination of noise and distributionproblems associated with single-point regulation.In addition, they can be used with power passelements to make high-current voltage regulators.The L78L00 series used as Zener diode/resistorcombination replacement, offers an effectiveoutput impedance improvement of typically two orders of magnitude, along with lower quiescentcurrent and lower noise.