The EL2344 is a triple version of thepopular EL2044. It is a high speed, lowpower, low cost monolithic operationalamplifier built on Elantec’s proprietary complementarybipolar process. The EL2344 is unity-gain stable and featurea 325V/μs slew rate and 60MHz gain-bandwidth productwhile requiring only 5.2mA of supply current per amplifier.The power supply operating range of the EL2344 is from±18V down to as little as ±2V. For single-supply operation,the EL2344 operates from 36V down to as little as 2.5V. Theexcellent power supply operating range of the EL2344makes it an obvious choice for applications on a single +5Vor +3V supply.The EL2344 also features an extremely wide output voltageswing of ±13.6V with VS = ±15V and RL = 1000Ω. At ±5V,output voltage swing is a wide ±3.8V with RL = 500Ω and±3.2V with RL = 150Ω. Furthermore, for single-supplyoperation at +5V, output voltage swing is an excellent 0.3V to3.8V with RL = 500Ω.