The EL5111, EL5211, and EL5411 are low power, high voltage rail-to-rail input-output amplifiers. The EL5111 represents a single amplifier, the EL5211 contains two amplifiers, and the EL5411 contains four amplifiers. Operating on supplies ranging from 5V to 15V, while consuming only 2.5mA per amplifier, the EL5111, EL5211, and EL5411 have a bandwidth of 60MHz (-3dB). They also provide common mode input ability beyond the supply rails, as well as rail-to-rail output capability. This enables these amplifiers to offer maximum dynamic range at any supply voltage.The EL5111, EL5211, and EL5411 also feature fast slewing and settling times, as well as a high output drive capability of 65mA (sink and source). These features make these amplifiers ideal for high speed filtering and signal conditioning application. Other applications include battery power, portable devices, and anywhere low power consumption is important.