本文就动态矩阵预测控制技术(DMC)在连续热镀锌生产线的锌镀层厚度自动控制的实际应用进行了有益的探索。力求将当今世界最先进的控制技术之一的DMC 技术应用到热镀锌线上,使该类型生产线走出常规PID 控制技术的历史,并实现控制软件国产化,打破外国公司对新型控制技术的垄断,达到改善国产镀锌板质量,降低生产成本,提高企业竟争力的目的。关键词 动态矩阵控制、预测控制、热镀锌镀层控制、DMC—PIDAbstract:This paper discussed the application researching of Dynamic Matrix Predictive Control for Zn coating control system on continue hot Zn coating line in cold rolling mill plant,tried to find out a new control merhod which can be instead of old tridition PID control technology for Zn hot coating line control .for improving the quality of products ,for reducing the cost of products.Key Words:Dynamic Matrix Control、Predictive Control、DMC-PID