2410 datasheet 32-BIT RISC MICROPROCESSOR USER'S MANUAL Revision 1.2The information in this publication has beencarefully checked and is believed to be entirelyaccurate at the time of publication. Samsungassumes no responsibility, however, for possibleerrors or omissions, or for any consequencesresulting from the use of the information containedherein.Samsung reserves the right to make changes in itsproducts or product specifications with the intent toimprove function or design at any time and withoutnotice and is not required to update thisdocumentation to reflect such changes.This publication does not convey to a purchaser ofsemiconductor devices described herein any licenseunder the patent rights of Samsung or others.Samsung makes no warranty, representation, orguarantee regarding the suitability of its products forany particular purpose, nor does Samsung assumeany liability arising out of the application or use ofany product or circuit and specifically disclaims anyand all liability, including without limitation anyconsequential or incidental damages.s3c2410中文资料下载 S3C2410X中文数据手册