gamma未较正GAMMA较正Colorspace1.what is colorspaceColor Space Definitions[pic]Chromaticity DiagramsThe CIE 1931 xyThis color space is a mathematical representation of the human eye'sresponse to color. Note that this color space is non-linear! It's a 3-Dmodel that is "unfolded" like a Mecador projection map of the earth.[pic]CIELABLAB color is the same model revised to be a linear color space. This modelworks best to define color on a computer because of its linear nature. Aand B define the hue and saturation of the color where the L value or"Luminance" comprises the Z axis through the middle. The 0,0 point of thediagram is the "white reference" and defined as the color temperature. Withthe xyY defination of LAB (See "Printing Inks Setup" in Photoshop), the Yvalue can be calcu……