通过分析公共故障核查系统的原有的业务流程,提出了基于PDA 的公共故障核查系统的设计与实现方法,叙述了该应用系统在PDA 客户端的实现过程、M/S 体系结构的网络框架、软硬件配置以及系统的整体体系结构。重点介绍了本系统PDA 客户端功能模块和相应的几个关键技术。关键词:个人数字助理;公共故障核查;通用无线分组业务;网络服务Design and implementation for mobile information system of public malfunction confirmation based on PDA WANG Ben-chuan WANG Heng-shan (University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, College of Management, Shanghai, 200093, China) Abstract:The paper presents a mobile information system of public malfunction confirmation based on PDA and tells implementation of PDA client、net framework of M/S structure、configurations of software and hardware . It introduces some modules’ function and operation flow and mainly discusses the several key technologies using in this system.Key words:PDA; Public malfunction confirmation; GPRS; Web service