本文介绍了消防电子产品采用的主要通信标准RS-485,解决了其总线数据传输的冲突,即通信避障,提高了工作可靠性、稳定性,电话告警采用简易、低成本的双音多频调制解调器MT8880,利用电话交换网向指定电话告警,使整个系统比较简明,实时响应快,使产品更具有竞争力。关键字:RS-485总线,通信避障,双音多频Abstract: Communication standard of RS-485 Bus that is widely used in electric product of fire protected is introduced .Solved the problem of communication conflict, so as to improve the reliability and stability of the system. With telephone switch net ,the special telephone is alarmed by the way of MT8880. So that the system is more simple and faster on real time, and product is more competitive.Key word: RS-485 Bus ;avoiding communication conflict; DTMF