自适应系统识别是通过测量系统输出信号利用自适应滤波器建立模型的一种重要方法。本文论述了基于LMS算法自适应FIR滤波器的实现原理,及其在系统识别中的应用。并通过计算机的仿真实现,详细阐述了其在定点DSP上的实现方法。关键词: 自适应滤波器;系统识别;DSPAbstract: Adaptive system identification is a technique that uses an adaptive filter for a model. The basic idea is to measure the signals produced by the system and to use them to construct a model. This paper introduces the theory of LMS adaptive FIR filtering algorithm. Its application on system identification is described. All of these are confirmed by the computer simulation, and its steps on Fixed-point DSP are presented.Key words: adaptive filter; system identification; DSP