Vxworks5VxWorksPROGRAMMER’S GUIDE5.5Copyright 2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be copied in any form, by photocopy, microlm, retrieval system, or by any other means now known or hereafter invented without the prior written permission of Wind River Systems, Inc. AutoCode, Embedded Internet, Epilogue, ESp, FastJ, IxWorks, MATRIXX, pRISM, pRISM+, pSOS, RouterWare, Tornado, VxWorks, wind, WindNavigator, Wind River Systems, WinRouter, and Xmath are registered trademarks or service marks of Wind River Systems, Inc. Attaché Plus, BetterState, Doctor Design, Embedded Desktop, Emissary, Envoy, How Smart Things Think, HTMLWorks, MotorWorks, OSEKWorks, Personal JWorks, pSOS+, pSOSim, pSOSystem, SingleStep, SNiFF+, VxDCOM, VxFusion, VxMP, VxSim, VxVMI……