集成光电智能探测器SOC研究王旭(北京地太科特电子技术有限公司,北京 100102)摘要:本文研究了一种新型的硅光电探测器(即智能探测器),它使用CMOS兼容工艺,将光电二极管阵列与信号的放大、处理电路及输出电路集成在一个芯片上,在输入光信号的同时在输出端即可得到串行的电信号。该芯片具有噪声低,速度快,用途广泛等特点。对芯片的测试结果表明,智能探测器的电路设计和工艺设计均取得初步成功,基本达到预期的设计目标。关键词:智能探测器,CMOS,光电二极管,SOCStudy on Integrated Smart Photo-detector SOCAbstract: A novel integrated CMOS smart sensor which is intended to provide flexible low noise amplification and multiplexing component is presented in this paper. Low level current output devices, such as a photodiode array, can be directly connected to its input. It has 64 channels, and each channel has a photo-sensitive preamplifier and the ability to provide double correlated sampling and hold. This chip may also be used as general-purposed multi-input multiplexer for medical, scientific, or industrial instrument applications. There are no similar products reported in China yet. The test results show that the expected functions of the chip can be fulfilled.Key words: Smart detector, CMOS, Photodiode, SOC