Intersil’s ISL4241E, ISL4243E devices are 2.7V to 5.5Vpowered RS-232 transmitters/receivers which meetElA/TIA-232 and V.28/V.24 specifications, even atVCC = 3.0V. Additionally, they provide ±15kV ESD protection(IEC61000-4-2 Air Gap and Human Body Model) ontransmitter outputs and receiver inputs (RS-232 pins).Targeted applications are PDAs, Palmtops, and notebookand laptop computers where the low operational, and evenlower standby, power consumption is critical. Efficienton-chip charge pumps, coupled with manual and automaticpower-down functions, reduce the standby supply current toa 10nA trickle. Tiny 5mmx5mm Quad Flat No-Lead (QFN)packaging and the use of small, low value capacitors ensureboard space savings as well. Data rates greater than250kbps are guaranteed at worst case load conditions.The ISL4241E, ISL4243E’s are 3 driver, 5 receiver devicesthat, coupled with the 5x5 QFN package, provide theindustry’s smallest, lowest power complete serial portsuitable for PDAs, and laptop or notebook computers. The32 Ld 5X5 QFN requires 60% less board area than a 28 LdTSSOP, and is nearly 20% thinner. The devices also includea noninverting always-active receiver for “wake-up”capability.The ISL4243E features an automatic power-down functionthat powers down the on-chip power-supply and drivercircuits. This occurs when an attached peripheral device isshut off or the RS-232 cable is removed, conserving systempower automatically without changes to the hardware oroperating system. It powers up again when a valid RS-232voltage is applied to any receiver input.Table 1 summarizes the features of both the ISL4241E andISL4243E, while Application Note AN9863 summarizes thefeatures of each device comprising the 3V RS-232 family.
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