The purpose of this application note is to describe the evaluationboards for either the HI3026 or HI3026A 8-bit ultra highspeed analog to digital converters (ADC). The main differencebetween the two devices is the maximum conversion speed of120 MSPS and 140 MSPS respectively. This document willuse HI3026 for both devices. The boards are shipped with thedevice soldered onto the PCB. The evaluation board includesmany discrete components along with op amps, buffers, logiclevel conversion (ECL to TTL and TTL to ECL) and a 10-bitD/A converter for reconstructing the output of the HI3026.After latching the HI3026, input data with a frequency dividedclock, the analog signal can be regenerated by a 10-bit highspeed D/A converter. The latched data can also be extractedexternally via a 24 pin cable connector.