本文基于最优估计理论,提出了一种多传感器分散估计融合算法,以解决测量噪声干扰下参数估计 问题。该方法不要求知道测量数据的先验知识,在减少测量误差方面比传统的集中估计方法有明显的改善,计 算机仿真表明此方法的有效性。关键词:多传感器数据融合 最优估计 分散算法Abstract :Based on the theory of the optimal estimation , this paper proposes a multi - sensors decen2 tralized algorithm to solve the parameter estimation problems in noise environment . This method need not know the priori knowledge of measurement data , and improves more evidently in reducing measurement error than traditional centralized algorithm. The simulation results show that the method is efficient .Keywords :Multi - sensors data fusion , optimal estimation , decentralized algorithm.