The ISL6620, ISL6620A is a high frequency MOSFET driverdesigned to drive upper and lower power N-ChannelMOSFETs in a synchronous rectified buck converter topology.The advanced PWM protocol of ISL6620, ISL6620A isspecifically designed to work with Intersil VR11.1 controllersand combined with N-Channel MOSFETs, form a completecore-voltage regulator solution for advanced microprocessors.When ISL6620, ISL6620A detects a PSI protocol sent by anIntersil VR11.1 controller, it activates Diode Emulation (DE)operation; otherwise, it operates in normal ContinuousConduction Mode (CCM) PWM mode.The IC is biased by a single low voltage supply (5V),minimizing driving losses in high MOSFET gate capacitanceand high switching frequency applications. Each driver iscapable of driving a 3nF load with less than 10ns rise/fall time.Bootstrapping of the upper gate driver is implemented via aninternal low forward drop diode, reducing implementation cost,complexity, and allowing the use of higher performance, costeffective N-Channel MOSFETs.