机器人技术和企业信息化技术是提高制造业生产效率和工艺水平的两大关键技术。本文在分析现场总线网络控制技术的基础上,介绍了一种利用Lonworks 总线将工业现场中各机器人联网的方案,在实现多机器人的协作及遥操作控制的同时,为企业信息化的实现创造了条件。关键词:现场总线;Lonworks;遥操作;企业信息化Abstract:Robot technology and enterprise information technology are two key means to improve the manufacture efficiency and technical level. In this paper, a robot network system by means of Lonworks fieldbus technology is formulated on the basis of introducing its conception and structure. The solution makes it possible for both robots cooperation and telerobotics. It also provides fundamentals for the application of enterprise information technology.Key words:Robot, Field bus, Lonworks, Telerobotics, Enterprise information technology.