基于ADuC7026的网络化数据采集系统设计:设计了一种基于ADuC7026的网络化数据采集系统,以集成ARM7TDM I内核的精密数据转换器ADuC7026和网络控制器RTL8019AS来构造一个基于以太网的嵌入式数据采集系统. 详细介绍了该系统的硬件组成及软件设计. 系统的A /D、D /A转换和数据处理均由ADuC7026完成,并通过以太网进行数据传输、监控. 该设计电路简单,信噪比高,成本低廉,具有良好的发展前景.关键词:数据采集; 以太网; ADuC702; TCP / IP Abstract: Introducing a design of networked data acquisition system based on ADuc7026, the design of hard2ware is constructed by the accurate data converterADuC7026 with an ARM7TDM IMCU core inside, and Ethernet controller RTL8019AS, as well as the design of software. The A /D, D /A converting and data p rocessing are ac2 comp lished by ADuc7026, and the data transmitting and monitoring are p rocessed by Ethernet. The circuit is sim2 p le, and the system has high Signal - to - Noise, low cost and great p rospects.Key words: data acquisition; ethernet; ADuC7026; TCP / IP