The revolutionary MT6227 is a lead ing edge single-chipsolution for GSM/GPRS mobile phones targeting theemerging applications in dig ital audio and video. Based on32-bit ARM7EJ-STM RISC processor, MT6227 not onlyfeatures high performance GPRS Class 12 MODEM, butalso provides comprehensive and advanced solutions forhandheld multi-media.Typical application is shown in Figure 1.Multi-media SubsystemThe MT6227 multi-media subsystem provides connectionto CMOS/CCD image sensor and supports resolution up to2M pixels. With its advanced image signal and dataprocessing technology, MT6227 allows efficientprocessing of image and video data. It also has built-inJPEG CODEC and MPEG-4/H.263 CODEC, thus enablingreal-t ime creation and playback of high-quality images andvideo. In addition to advanced image and video features,MT6227 also utilizes high resolution DAC, digital audio,and audio synthesis technology to provide superior audiofeatures for all future multi-media needs.In order to provide more flexibility and bandwidth formulti-media products, an additional 18-bit parallelinterface is incorporated. This interface enables connectionto LCD modules as well as connection to NAND flashdevices to allow for mu lti-media data storage capabilities.External Memory InterfaceProviding the greatest capacity for expansion, MT6227supports up to 8 state-of-the-art devices through its 16-bithost interface. Devices such as burst/page mode Flash,page mode SRAM, Pseudo SRAM, Co lor/Parallel LCD,and mult i-media companion chip are all supported throughthis interface. To minimize power consumption and ensurelow noise, this interface is designed for flexible I/O voltageand allows lowering of supply voltage down to 1.8V. Thedriving strength is configurable for signal integrityadjustment. The data bus also employs retentiontechnology to prevent the bus from floating during turnover.