The AD1674 is a complete, multipurpose, 12-bit analog-to-digital converter, consisting of a user-transparent onboardsample-and-hold amplifier (SHA), 10 volt reference, clock andthree-state output buffers for microprocessor interface.The AD1674 is pin compatible with the industry standardAD574A and AD674A, but includes a sampling function whiledelivering a faster conversion rate. The on-chip SHA has a wideinput bandwidth supporting 12-bit accuracy over the fullNyquist bandwidth of the converter.The AD1674 is fully specified for ac parameters (such as S/(N+D)ratio, THD, and IMD) and dc parameters (offset, full-scaleerror, etc.). With both ac and dc specifications, the AD1674 isideal for use in signal processing and traditional dc measure-ment applications.The AD1674 design is implemented using Analog Devices’BiMOS II process allowing high performance bipolar analog cir-cuitry to be combined on the same die with digital CMOS logic.Five different temperature grades are available. The AD1674Jand K grades are specified for operation over the 0°C to +70°Ctemperature range. The A and B grades are specified from–40°C to +85°C; the AD1674T grade is specified from –55°Cto +125°C. The J and K grades are available in both 28-leadplastic DIP and SOIC. The A and B grade devices are availablein 28-lead hermetically sealed ceramic DIP and 28-lead SOIC.The T grade is available in 28-lead hermetically sealed ceramicDIP.