Switching USB Power Manager with PowerPath Control Offers Fastest Charge Time with Lowest Heat:Lithium-Ion and Lithium Polymer batteries are commonin portable consumer products because of their relativelyhigh energy density—they provide more capacity thanother available chemistries within given size and weightconstraints. USB battery charging is also becomingcommonplace, as many portable devices require frequentinterfacing with a PC for data transfer.As portable products become more complex, the need forhigher capacity batteries increases, with a correspondingneed for more advanced battery chargers. Larger batteriesrequire either higher charging current or additional timeto charge to their full capacity. Most consumers look forshorter charge times, so increasing the charge currentseems obviously preferable, but increasing charge currentpresents two major problems. First, with a linear charger,increased current creates additional power dissipation(i.e., heat). Second, the charger must limit the currentdrawn from the 5V USB bus to either 100mA (500mW)or 500mA (2.5W) depending on the mode that the host controller has negotiated.