本文介绍了在1553B 实时通信中实现微秒级时间单元高精度的定时方法,并研究出了相应的实现算法,以及计算误差的算法;分别以不同时间单元精度为例实现同一个时间长度的定时,计算出误差范围,并与应用系统时钟定时实现1553B 实时通信这两个时间定时的误差比较。 关键词:实时通信微秒级时间单元定时器 Abstract: This paper introduce the method which realize microsecond precision time system during the 1553B real time communication, study the arithmetic and error arithmetic; Give examples for it which use different time cell to actualize the same timer time, and compare the error with the system clock. Keywords: real time communication microsecond precision time timer