The bq2002C Fast-Charge IC is a low-cost CMOS battery-charge controller providing reliable charge termination for both NiCd and NiMH battery applications. Controlling a current-limited or constant-current supply allows the bq2002C to be the basis for a cost-effective stand-alone or system-integrated charger. The bq2002C integrates fast charge with pulsed-trickle control in a single IC for charging one or more NiCd or NiMH battery cells. Fast charge is initiated on application of the charging supply or battery replacement. For safety, fast charge is inhibited if the battery temperature and voltage are outside configured limits. Fast charge is terminated by any of the following: Peak voltage detection (PVD) Negative delta voltage (-V) Maximum voltage Maximum temperature Maximum timeAfter fast charge, the bq2002C pulse-trickles the battery per the preconfigured limits.