Skew specifications are like any other ACelectrical specification. The measurementsare taken at certain conditions which may or,more likely, may not match a specificcondition in a system application. However,like other AC specifications the skewspecification is valuable as a “bench mark”for estimating certain circuit characteristics.Skew specifications are most valuable inclock–driving applications and applicationswhere duty cycle characteristics areimportant. Three specific skew specificationsare addressed in this note.Typical test conditions under which the skewsmay be tested are:Test load: 50pF, 500WAll outputs switching0°C, 25°C, 70°CVCC = 4.5V, 5.0V, 5.5VInput conditions—VIL = 0V to VIH = 3VOnly data paths are tested for skewcharacteristics (AC measurements such asMR to output are not specified).