半封闭压缩机电动机故障分析与排除:在中央空调系统中使用的冷水机组,普遍采用半封闭活塞式压缩机,这种压缩机的电动机直接接触制冷剂和冷冻油,并长期在一定的压力和温度下工作,电动机的工作环境比较恶劣。在机组运行维护过程中,如果使用维护不当,往往会引起电动机烧毁,使空调系统无法正常工作。而维修好的冷水机组,其电机往往容易再次烧毁。本文分析认为造成这类压缩机电动机烧毁故障的主要原因是:系统回油不良;电动机三相电流不平衡;制冷系统含水量大;缺制冷剂运转;真空运转;电源电压过低;异物进入压缩机等。要想避免维修过的压缩机电机再次很快就烧毁,必须将产生该故障的原因解决,并且在维修中不能带入新的故障因素。关键词:冷水机组半封闭压缩机电机故障Abstract:Semi—hermetic compressor often be used in the water—cooling unit of air conditioning system,and it’S motor which work in rather high temperature and pressure condition,even work with refrigerator and oil, has a poor working condition.It will cause some trouble with the motor if the water—cooling unit of the air conditioning system out of operating or mending.However,the motor of water—cooling unit will be destroyed easily after mending. By studying some causing of the motor—trouble in semi—herm etic compressor,it was summarized that the main reasons include that the oil is gotback badly;the three—phase current of the motor is uneven;the water content of refrigeration is large;lack the refrigerator and operate;the vacuum operates;the power is too low in voltage;the ma~er enters compressor,and etc.If you want to prevent the compression—motor of maintenance from trouble soon again,you must solve the reason which produce this trouble, and can’t be brought into the new trouble factor in maintenance.Keywords:water—cooling unit,semi—herm etic compressor,motor—trouble