The RT9248 is a multi-phase buck DC/DC controllerintegrated with all control functions for GHz CPU VRM.The RT9248 controls 2 or 3 buck switching stages operatingin interleaved phase set automatically. The multi-phasearchitecture provides high output current while maintaininglow power dissipation on power devices and low stress oninput and output capacitors. The high equivalent operatingfrequency also reduces the component dimension and theoutput voltage ripple in load transient.RT9248 controls both voltage and current loops to achievegood regulation, response & power stage thermal balance.Precise current loop using RDS(ON) as sense componentbuilds precise load line for strict VRM DC & transientspecification and also ensures thermal balance of differentpower stages. The settings of current sense, droop tuning,VCORE initial offset and over current protection areindependent to compensation circuit of voltage loop. Thefeature greatly facilitates the flexibility of CPU power supplydesign and tuning.The DAC output of RT9248 supports VRM9 & VRD10 byVID125 multi-level input, precise initial value & smoothVCORE transient at VID jump. The IC monitors the VCOREvoltage for PGOOD and over-voltage protection. Soft-start,over-current protection and programmable under-voltagelockout are also provided to assure the safety of microprocessorand power system.