Integration of a Six-Port Receiver forIEEE MELECON 2006, May 16-19, Benalmádena (Málaga), SpainIntegration of a Six-Port Receiver for mm-Wave CommunicationThomas Eireiner, Tobias Schnurr, Thomas MüllerDaimlerChrysler Research & Technology Wilhelm-Runge-Str. 11, D-89081 Ulm, Germany Email: thomas.eireiner@daimlerchrysler.comAbstract―The six-port receiver concept offers new possibilities on the way towards a multimode low cost receiver frontend for highest frequencies. The expense for the reduced effort on analog side is a higher complexity in digital signal processing. After a comparison between conventional and six-port receiver technology this paper offers a solution to implement a complete communication link including frequency, phase and symbol synchronization beside the necessary six-port calibration.the six-port te……