OPA137 series FET-input operaTIonal amplifiers are designedfor low cost and miniature applicaTIons. In addiTIon to smallsize (SOT-23-5 and MSOP-8 packages), they provide lowinput bias current (5pA), low quiescent currrent (220µA/channel), and high open-loop gain (94dB).Either single (+4.5V to +36V) or dual (±2.25 to ±18V)supplies can be used. The input common-mode voltage rangeincludes the posiTIve supply—suitable for many single-supplyapplications. Single, dual, and quad versions have identicalspecifications for maximum design flexibility.OPA137 op amps are easy to use and free from phaseinversion and overload problems found in some FET-inputamplifiers. High performance, including linearity, is main-tained as the amplifiers swing to their specified limits. Inaddition, the combination of high slew rate (3.5V/µs) andwide bandwidth (1MHz) provide fast settling time assuringgood dynamic response. Dual and quad designs feature com-pletely independent circuitry for lowest crosstalk and freedomfrom interaction.