The ISL6720A is a low cost linear regulator for generating alow voltage bias supply from intermediate distributedvoltages commonly used in telecom and datacomapplications. It produces three separate outputs, anadjustable 0V to 20V output rated at up to 125mA which canbe back-biased from an external source such as an auxiliarytransformer winding, a 50mA switched regulated outputadjustable between 0V and 15V, and a fixed continuous 5Voutput rated at 25mA.The ISL6720A may be used as a start-up or a continuouslow power regulator. When operating as a start-up regulator,it is capable of sourcing over 100mA from a 100V source forshort durations. This period of time allows the power supplyto start-up and provide a low voltage alternate power source,such as the output of a transformer winding, to the VIOoutput. This allows the remaining outputs to be operatedfrom a lower source voltage thereby minimizing power loss.