DEs criptIONThe DG2735/2736 are low voltage, low on-resistance, dualsingle-pole/double-throw (SPDT) monolithic CMOS analogswitches designed for high performance switching of analogsignals. Combining low-power, high speed, low on-resistance,and small package size, the DG2735/2736 are idealfor portable and battery power applications.The DG2735/2736 have an operation range from 1.65 V to4.3 V single supply. The DG2735 has two separate controlpins with for the separated two SPDT switched. The DG2736has an EN pin. All switches are at high impedance modewhen the EN is high.The DG2735/2736 are guaranteed 1.65 V logic compatible,allowing the easy interface with low voltage DSP or MCUcontrol logic and ideal for one cell Li-ion battery direct power.The switch conducts signals within power rails equally well inboth directions when on, and blocks up to the power supplylevel when off. Break-before-make is guaranteed.The DG2735/2736 are built on Vishay Siliconix's sub micronCMOS low voltage process technology and provides greaterthan 300 mA latch-up protection, as tested per JESD78.As a committed partner to the community and the environment,Vishay Siliconix manufactures this product with lead(Pb)-free device terminations. DG2735/2736 are offered in aminiQFN package. The miniQFN package has a nickel-palladium-gold device termination and is represented by the lead(Pb)-free "-E4" suffix. The nickel-palladium-gold device terminationsmeet all JEDEC standards for reflow and MSL ratings.
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