1.0. INTRODUCTION............................................ 52.0. WHAT ARE INTEL® 3 VOLT AND 5 VOLTMEMORY DEVICES? .................................... 53.0. ADVANTAGES OF DESIGNING WITHINTEL® 3 VOLT AND 5 VOLT FlashFile™MEMORIES.................................................... 53.1. Pinout Compatible Density Upgrades ......... 53.2. SmartVoltage Technology........................... 63.3. Low Power Consumption............................ 63.4. Enhanced Data Protection .......................... 63.5. Advanced Interrupt Functionality ................ 63.6. Intel’s Complete Design Support................. 64.0. DEVELOPING MULTI-SOURCED DESIGNS 84.1. Techniques in Address/Data Latching ........ 84.2. AC Write Specification Differences ............. 94.3. Implement Manufacturer Identifier Changes94.4. Pinout Differences .................................... 124.5. Implement Switchable Command Sets ..... 124.6. Implement Command Completion Changes135.0. SUMMARY................................................... 13FIGURESFigure 1. Intel® 3 Volt and 5 Volt FlashFile™Memory Family Features a Packageand Pinout-Compatible Upgrade Path 6Figure 2. Differences in Flash Address and DataWrite Cycle Latch Operation............... 8Figure 3. Adding a Simple Intel Identifier CheckEnables Broader Memory Sourcing.. 10Figure 4. Easy Multi-Sourced Designs byRouting of VPP Line for 40-Lead TSOP11Figure 5. Easy Multi-Sourced Designs byRouting of VPP Line for 44-LeadPSOP............................................... 11Figure 6. An Easy Multi-Site Layout for Intel’s4-, 8- and 16-Mbit 40-Lead TSOPDevices with AMD’s 4-Mbit 32-Lead. 12TABLESTable 1. Comparison of Package Offering ......... 5Table 2. Comparison of Specifications Offeredby Intel and AMD.................................7Table 3. Comparison of Features Offered byIntel and AMD .....................................7Table 4. Comparison of ToolsOffered/Supported by Intel and AMD... 7Table 5. AC Specification Differences................ 9Table 6. Comparison of Intel and AMDCommands........................................ 13