主要介绍宽温磷化液在客车车身上的应用, 以及影响磷化质量的几个因素; 通过控制工艺参数, 确保磷化质量, 从而提高客车车身的防腐效果。关键词: 宽温磷化 客车车身 防腐 质量控制 影响因素Abstract: Th is paper ch iefly int roduces app licat ion of w ide temperature rang pho sphat ing liquid to bus bodies and several facto rs of its affect ing quality. By cont ro ling these techno logy parameters, pho sphat ing quality can be guaranteed and bus bodies ant i2co rro sion effect can be imp roved.Key words:W ide temperature rang pho sphat ing, Bus body, A nt i2co rro sion, Q uality cont ro l, A ffect ing facto r