INTERNAL DUAL-BAND PATCH ANTENNA FOR MOBILE PHONES 2000 European Space Agency (ESA). Reprinted with permission from Proceedings of the AP2000 Millennium Conference on Antennas & Propagation. Davos, Switzerland, 9-14 April 2000, CD-ROM SP-444, paper p1111.pdf.INTERNAL DUAL-BAND PATCH ANTENNA FOR MOBILE PHONESJani Ollikainen, Outi Kiveks, Anssi Toropainen, and Pertti Vainikainen Helsinki University of Technology, Institute of Radio Communications, Radio Laboratory, P.O. Box 3000, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland Email: jol@radio.hut.fiINTRODUCTION Development of small antennas for mobile phones has received a lot of attention during the last few years due to size reduction of the handsets, requirements to keep the amount of RF power absorbed by the user below standardized levels regardless of the handset size, and introduction of multimode phone……