Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and delay differential equations (DDEs)are used to describe many phenomena ofph ysical interest. While ODEs containderivatives which depend on the solution at the present value oftheindependent variable (“time”), DDEs contain in addition derivatives whichdepend on the solution at previous times. DDEs arise in models throughoutthe sciences [1]. Despite the obvious similarities between ODEs and DDEs,solutions of DDE problems can differ from solutions for ODE problems inseveral striking, and significant, ways [2] [20]. This accounts in part for thelack of much general-purpose software for solving DDEs.
dde23 aims to make it as easy as possible to solve effectively delay-differential equations (DDEs) with constant delays in Matlab. In thispaper we discuss some of its features, including discontinuity tracking,iteration for short delays, and event location. We also develop some the-oretical results that underlie the solver, including convergence, error esti-mation, and the effects of short delays on the evaluation of formulas andstability. Some examples illustrate the use of dde23 and show it to be acapable DDE solver that is exceptionally easy to use for a wide range ofcomplex problems.