MATLAB 是一种具有强大的矩阵处理功能和绘图功能的应用软件。在许多复杂工程应用中,需要将MATLAB 和其他软件交互协同工作。本文介绍了MATLAB 与罗克韦尔公司的RSView32 的特点,并重点论述了他们之间的通讯方法。关键词: MATLAB 软件 RSView32 软件动态数据交换 ActiveX 对象 VBA 程序Abstract: MATLAB is an internet application which has powerful function in matrix disposing and plotting. There is growing requirement of interaction between MATLAB and other applications. This paper introduces the characteristic of MATLAB and RSView32. It also emphasizes the communication methods between the two applications.KeyWords: MATLAB RSView32 DDE ActiveX VBA