NCP5424 Dual Synchronous Buck Controller with Input Current SharingThe NCP5424 is a flexible dual N.Channel synchronous buckcontroller utilizing V2 control for fast transient response andexcellent line and load regulation. This highly versatile controller canbe configured as a single two phase output converter that drawsprogrammable amounts of current from two different input voltages orall current from one supply. The NCP5424 can also be configured astwo independent out.of.phase controllers.Using the NCP5424 in a current sharing input configuration is idealfor applications where more power is required than is available fromone supply, such as video cards or other boards. Whenconfigured as a dual output controller, the output of one controller canbe divided down and used as the reference for the second controller.This tracking capability is useful in applications such as Double DataRate (DDR) Memory power where the termination voltage must trackVDD.The NCP5424 provides a current limit onController 2 allowing the system to handle transient overcurrentevents and a hiccup mode overcurrent protection on Controller 1allowing lossless short circuit protection. In addition, the NCP5424provides Soft.Start, undervoltage lockout, and adaptive FETnonoverlap time to prevent shoot through.