s3c44box_ES3C44B0X RISC MICROPROCESSORPRELIMINARY PRODUCT OVERVIEW1PRODUCT OVERVIEWINTRODUCTIONSAMSUNG's S3C44B0X 16/32-bit RISC microprocessor is designed to provide a cost-effective and high performance micro-controller solution for hand-held devices and general applications. To reduce total system cost, S3C44B0X also provides the following: 8KB cache, optional internal SRAM, LCD controller, 2-channel UART with handshake, 4-channel DMA, System manager (chip select logic, FP/ EDO/SDRAM controller), 5channel timers with PWM, I/O ports, RTC, 8-channel 10-bit ADC, IIC-BUS interface, IIS-BUS interface, Sync. SIO interface and PLL for clock. The S3C44B0X was developed using a ARM7TDMI core, 0.25 um CMOS standard cells, and a memory compiler. Its low-power, simple, elegant and fully static desig……