How_to_match_CDMA_PAHow to match CDMA PAIntroductionWritten by Harry Lee on 25th January 2005This Application Note provides a method how to match between Skyworks Solutions’ CDMA Power Amplifier Modules(PAM) and standard duplexer on the mobile phone.DefinitionThe Characteristic Impedances of Telecommunication systems, e.g. Mobile Phone, is generally 50s, and all components develop to 50s. But, Power Amplifier Module amplifies RF signals and it is very difficult to make 50s. Match means that Impedances match between PAM & Duplexer to 50s. But, Nowadays Engineers tune to specific impedances using Loadpull data provided by PAM makers on purpose (Improve efficiency or linearity).Impedance Matching NetworkBlock Diagram of Power Amplifier is shown in Figure 1. Power Amplifier is in a dotted square. As I ……