WSVGA 24-Bit Long-Reach Video SERDES with Bi-directional Side-ChannelThe ISL34341 is a serializer/deserializer of LVCMOS parallelvideo data. The video data presented to the serializer on theparallel LVCMOS bus is serialized into a high-speeddifferential signal. This differential signal is converted back toparallel video at the remote end by the deserializer. It alsotransports auxiliary data bi-directionally over the same linkduring the video vertical retrace interval.I2C bus mastering allows the placement of external slavedevices on the remote side of the link. An I2C controller canbe placed on either side of the link allowing bi-directional I2Ccommunication through the link to the external devices onthe other side. Both chips can be fully configured from asingle controller or independently by local controllers.