Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are becoming a critical part ofevery system design. Many vendors offer many different architectures andprocesses. Which one is right for your design? How do you design one of theseso that it works correctly and functions as you expect in your entire system?These are the questions that this paper sets out to answer.The first sections of this paper deals with the internal architecture andcharacteristics of these devices. Programmable logic devices are described inan overview, leading up to a detailed des cription of the Field ProgrammableGate Array. The various architectures of these devices are examined in detailalong with their tradeoffs, which allow you to decide which particular deviceis right for your design.The next sections of this paper is about the design flow for an FPGAbasedproject. This section describes the phases of the design that need to beplanned. This allows a designer or project manager to allocate resources andcreate a schedule.The final sections of this paper discuss in detail, the design, simulation,and testing issues that arise when designing an FPGA. Understanding these issueswill allow you to design a chip that functions correctly in your system and willbe reliable throughout the lifetime of your product.